Hello there guys and girls! Today's post is all about becoming more confident and feeling more happier within. A lot of you may be starting new schools or colleges and want to gain more confidence because we all know how hard it can be on the first day when you are meeting all new people. You may also just be moving up a year but need some help in becoming a little more confident. Whatever your situation, I am here for you today!
Some people are naturally very confident and if you put them in a room of strangers they would come out with a huge smile having made friends with them all but others are much more reserved and struggle to talk to new people.
Hobbies and classes:
Everyone has a hobby. If you think you do not, think harder! There must be something you enjoy. Whether it is dance, playing the guitar or gaming; find what you like best. When you know your hobby, find classes in your school or college to join. Schools always have various classes and these are the best ways to gain confidence and friends. You will be around those who share the same interest as you so you will find it easier to get along with them. If you can't find your hobby.. Be spontaneous! Choose a class that seems interesting and join it. You never know, you may just love it.
Look the part:
When you start a new school/college/work place it is always good to look your best. Remember first impressions always count and you don't want to turn up looking like you've just got out of bed. Now I don't mean dress up like you're off to a party - just look presentable. Do your hair, wear something nice, fix your tie. Little things like this can make a difference in how you come across to others and looking presentable always makes you look more approachable. A key thing is personal hygiene. Always remember to shower, floss, use deodorant etc because no one wants to be around someone who doesn't care about their personal hygiene.
Shoulders up, back straight, chin up:
The way you carry yourself shows a lot about a person. If you walk with your head down and drag your feet, you will look very lazy and careless. If you walk with your back straight and chin up you automatically look so much more confident. Walking with your back straight shows that you are in charge!
Smiling makes everyone feel much more comfortable. You won't be the only one who is afraid and lacking confidence so smiling really makes everyone feel better.
Make eye contact:
By just making eye contact, you can really change the way other people perceive you. Never feel afraid to meet the gaze of someone else; not only does it show that you are a someone worthy of conversing with, but it also tells them you respect them, acknowledge their presence, and are interested in the conversation. You don't want to look uninterested and rude!
Be approachable:
If you see someone in the corner of the room with headphones in staring into their phone, you wouldn't approach them, would you? Make sure you always look approachable. By this I don't mean stand by a group of friends waiting to be noticed, I just mean don't look too interested in your phone, remember your smile... And say hello!
Recognise your talents:
You don't just want to "act" confident, you also want to become confident and this is the perfect task to help you. Get a pen and paper and write down all your talents. Write down everything you like about yourself, the compliments you receive, any accomplishments.. Anything that will boost your self esteem, jot it down then look back at it whenever you feel the need to.
Accepting compliments:
When you are being praised for something you have done well or are being complimented, don't just shrug it off! Say thank you. Look that person in the eye with a smile, you deserve it! Never feel as though you are unworthy of compliments, own them.
Talk to strangers:
If you are alone at the bus stop or waiting in line, start up a conversation with a stranger. It may be something as small as "do you have the time?" But it can help you gain so much more confidence.
Don't over apologise:
People who lack confidence usually find they are always apologising needlessly. You are inferior to no one therefore you do not need to say sorry when an apology is not needed. If you have genuinely done something wrong, by all means apologise... But if you're saying sorry all the time because you think you may be inconveniencing people, try saying "I hope you're not too busy" instead of "Sorry!" All the time.
Gain confidence by complimenting others:
When you compliment others it boosts your happiness to. You will feel better by making someone else feel better. Become a source of positivity and people will want to be around you.
Stay away from negativity:
Never ever feel bad when losing negative people from your life. The worst thing you can do is be around those who never lift you up. It is horrible to be with people who always put you down and make you feel inferior. Stand up for yourself, even if you do it silently.
Take risks:
It's boring sticking to the rules and doing the same old thing day in day out. Do something daring instead. Encounter experiences that force you to learn. Try something new, take on a new hobby. Anything is possible!
Take care, xxxx