Sunday 3 August 2014

Ethnicity Does Not Determine Your Beauty

Beauty Comes In All Forms

All over social media I see people talk about specific ethnicities and whether they have beautiful people or not. What! This baffles me. How can people be so closed minded that they assume beauty is determined by ethnicity. No one looks the same and not everyone from the same ethnicity has the same features, so how can an entire ethnicity be ugly? Yes, a lot of the time there are ethnicities where a lot of their people share the same characteristic, but this is never 100%. For example, people assume that everyone in India and Pakistan have black hair and brown eyes. That is such a stupid generalisation. There are people with blue, green, and grey eyes and red, brown, blonde hair too. Even if they all did have black hair and brown eyes, what would be wrong with it? Every colour eye is beautiful, all skin tones are beautiful, all hair shades are beautiful. 

Throughout Asia there are people who believe they are not beautiful unless they are "white skinned". Why do they have these beliefs? Why are they so afraid for their children to play in the sun because they have fear they will become 'dark'? I know for most, it goes back to the times when England invaded places in Asia and told them they were low class and that the Whites were 'higher'. 

The social media has also warped our minds and has made us believe only specific types of people are beautiful. We see the same things again and again, porcelain skin, almond eyes, perfect noses, big lips. Models are photoshopped to look specific ways and then young girls and boys all over the world feel like shit. But how can we ever look like these models if they don't even look like themselves. 

So many girls from different ethnicities want nose jobs and plastic surgery to look more like a Caucasian. These girls shouldn't need to change their features or feel they are not good enough unless they look more like a Caucasian. These girls are so influenced by what Hollywood thinks is beautiful and the ideal girl (Barbie) that they would completely change themselves. Having every feature perfect with no flaws is unreal and unnatural. 

So many black and Asian children even wish they could be more paler, with lighter hair and smaller noses to fit in with their friends at school. We have to show our children that no matter what colour their skin, no matter what their features look like or no matter what texture of hair they have.. THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL. THEY ARE UNIQUE. What society thinks is beautiful is a load of SHIT and you should never follow it. *fist punch*

Have you ever heard a white person say a girl is “pretty for a black girl”? What can that possibly mean? It could only mean that to them, black women are not pretty? That even the woman in question is not really all that pretty, just better the rest? Yes, different ethnicities have different ideas about what they deem to be beautiful, but this gives no one the right to generalise an entire group of people or belittle them. 

As you can probably tell, it really really annoys me when I see ignorant people comment things like "She's too pretty to be _____".

Recently I saw a tweet from a boy saying a girl was "too pretty to be Pakistani" 
What does that even mean?!? How can you even say that? There are millions of Pakistanis, with so many different features, skin colours, eye colours, face shapes, hair types.... HOW CAN YOU SAY THEY ARE TOO PRETTY TO BE PAKISTANI?! 

Another thing I despise is:

"Oh all black people have big lips" or "All Pakistanis have big noses" "You're tall for a Chinese person" YOU CANNOT GENERALISE LIKE THAT. If you picked 100 people from the same ethnicity, I can guarantee they would all look different. Different skin tones, hair/eye colours, heights, weight, EVERYTHING! You can get a blue eyed African and a brown eyed English person. You can get a black haired Irish girl and a Ginger haired Pakistani. It's not 'unusual' or 'strange'. 

Nothing to do with ethnicity now but.... Why do women have to feel so insecure with their bodies? Why is it that have to be curvy in the right places, no fat, not skinny, the right height, the right shape just to be found desirable in society? All sizes and shapes are beautiful and the only thing that should matter is if you are happy with your size. Tyra Banks did a show about how males from different ethnicities "preferred their women". They found that White and Asian people preferred their women like barbies: stick thin - whilst Black and Latino people liked their women curvy and thick. The white and Asian people were actually repulsed by the curvier women and said they should lose weight. 

I could honestly go on and on but I am really going off topic and I am ranting way too much now that I honestly think I am making no sense.. 
I'm sure you get the point of my wonderful blog post..


Open your minds, 


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